Who we are


Principal Investigator

Gaël Grissonnanche

Assistant Professor

Gaël received a PhD in physics from the University of Sherbrooke in Québec on unconventional superconductors. Then, he took a postdoc position at Cornell University in the USA to learn nanofabricating techniques applied to quantum materials. In July 2023, he started the Quantum Materials in Extreme Conditions laboratory at École Polytechnique.


Research Engineer

Adrien Gourgout


Adrien received a PhD in physics from the CEA in Grenoble, France, on ferromagnetic superconductors. Then, he took a postdoc position at University of Sherbrooke in Québec and at ESPCI in France before joining the Quantum Materials in Extreme Conditions laboratory at École Polytechnique.

PhD student

Juan Santana Gonzalez


Juan received his MSc in condensed matter physics from the Université Paris Cité in 2023. He joined the group for a PhD on the study of strange metals and the Planckian limit in unconventional superconductors.

Master student

Charles Iorio-Duval

École Polytechnique / Université de Sherbrooke

Charles is a co-supervised master student between Université de Sherbrooke and École Polytechnique, he studies the strange metal properties of superconducting electron-doped cuprates.

Bachelor Student

Florence Perreault


Florence is a bachelor student at Université de Sherbrooke in Québec. His 3-month internship in the group focuses on the physics of superconducting nickelates.

Master student

Saleh Shamloo Ahmadi

École Polytechnique

Saleh works on the analysis optical conductivity in magnetic field using Boltzmann transport theory in order to probe signatures of quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors

Master student

Matéo Rivera

École Polytechnique

Matéo works on the analysis optical conductivity in magnetic field using Boltzmann transport theory in order to probe signatures of quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors

Master student

Süreyya Kaykusuz

École Polytechnique

Süreyya works on building a thermal conductivity mount for our dilution refrigerator to probe novel states in quantum materials

Master student

Pierre-Eloi Paret

École Polytechnique

Pierre-Eloi works on building a thermal conductivity mount for our dilution refrigerator to probe novel states in quantum materials

Bachelor Student

Aliénor Robin

École Polytechnique

Aliénor works on building a thermal conductivity mount for our helium 3 refrigerator to explore the physics of superconducting nickelates

Bachelor Student

Amine Saadi

École Polytechnique

Amine works on building a thermal conductivity mount for our helium 3 refrigerator to explore the physics of superconducting nickelates

Bachelor Student

Rémi Nuttens

École Polytechnique

Rémi works on building a thermal conductivity mount for our helium 3 refrigerator to explore the physics of superconducting nickelates


Bachelor Student

Étienne Beauchesne-Blanchet


Étienne is a bachelor student at Université de Montréal in Québec. His 3-month internship in the group focuses on the strange metal physics of superconducting nickelates.